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Future Cost of Care Reports

Future care costs can be the single largest component of your overall damages claim, especially for seriously injured plaintiffs. We provide present value calculations adjusted for mortality based on location and gender using the information set out in future cost of care reports and life care plans, and can even separate costs between those that fall under the S.A.B.S. limits and excess costs falling under tort.


After having worked with hundreds of future care reports written by numerous health care professionals, we are able to optimize the process to make it as efficient as possible. With our custom software and with custom templates we simplify the process to expedite the delivery of our reports.

The experts at Krofchick Valuations have prepared thousands of expert reports quantifying the economic damages in personal injury matters such as motor vehicle collisions, slip and falls, medical malpractice, toxic torts, sexual assaults, and criminal damage claims etc. We assist our clients with the complicated financial aspects of their damages claims. We tackle the difficult cases with ease and efficiency.  

We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver the highest quality expert reports in a timely, efficient, and cost effective manner. And of course, should your case proceed to trial our qualified staff will provide you with expert testimony.

Put our years of experience to work for you.

For more information on how the experts at Krofchick Valuations can help with your case, please Contact Us. Our staff would be pleased to review any matter with you.

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