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Public Companies

The areas of finance and valuation surrounding public companies are undergoing a period of dramatic change. Public companies often operate in a number of different countries, are subject to stringent government regulations, and often possess ‘hidden value’ in the form of intangible assets that don’t appear on any balance sheet.

The experts at Krofchick Valuations have years of experience uncovering and valuing their clients’ ‘hidden value’. We have provided Fair Value calculations for businesses and their intangible assets over a wide range of industries and countries. We are adept at negotiating through the ever changing landscape of Fair Value measurements, and can help you unlock the true value of your business. Our professional services include:

  • Performing the annual Goodwill Impairment Test;
  • Determining the amount of Goodwill paid in Business Combinations and Purchase Price Allocations; and
  • Calculating the Fair Value of Intangible Assets.

For more information on how the experts at Krofchick Valuations can help with your case, please Contact Us. Our staff would be pleased to review any matter with you.

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